Results for 'Directors Ziering Kofman'

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  1.  15
    Derrida: Screenplay and Essays on the Film.Kirby Dick & Directors Ziering Kofman - 2005 - Routledge.
    First Published in 2005. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    Derrida Framed, on Kirby Dick and Amy Ziering Kofman Derrida (2002).David Roden - 2003 - Film-Philosophy 7 (1).
    _Derrida_ (2002) Directed by Amy Ziering Kofman and Kirby Dick UK Premiere: 31 January 2003.
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  3. Derrida, directed by Kirby Dick and Amy Ziering Kofman.Michael Sperlinger - 2003 - Radical Philosophy 119.
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    Ecce Homo On Žižek! (2005) and Derrida.Edward R. O'Neill - 2006 - Film-Philosophy 10 (2):108-118.
    Žižek! Directed by Astra Taylor. Zeitgeist Films, 2005, 71mins Derrida Directed by Kirby Dick and Amy Ziering Kofman. Zeitgeist Films, 2002, 84mins.
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    Before the law of spectrality: Derrida on the Prague imprisonment.Tyson Stewart - 2018 - Empedocles European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 9 (1):57-74.
    This article charts Derrida’s performances in front of the camera and argues that several different film retellings of his 1982 imprisonment in Prague articulate the connections between spectrality and Law. If spectrality disrupts the binary of presence and absence, then we must not only show how there is a ghostly presence within the context of film viewing, but also how being photographed is a matter of embracing blindness and a postal logic. The Prague imprisonment was an intriguing event in Derrida’s (...)
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    Derrida, Girard, and the Involvement of Personal Life in Theory.Berry Vorstenbosch - 2016 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 23:99-116.
    There are many touch points between the work of Jacques Derrida and René Girard. To me, as a student of literature, these two writers particularly stand out as great readers or great exegetes.1 The way they handle and combine texts, the way they dare to break with reading conventions, has proved to be really fruitful.Some time ago I watched a documentary about Derrida, made by Kirby Dick and Amy Ziering Kofman, published in 2002, carrying the simple title Derrida.2 (...)
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    Camera obscura: of ideology.Sarah Kofman - 1998 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
    In her opening chapter on Marx, Kofman provides a reading of inversion as necessary to the ideological process. She then explores the metaphor of the camera obscura in Freud's description of the unconscious.
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    Selected writings.Sarah Kofman - 2007 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. Edited by Thomas Albrecht, Georgia Albert & Elizabeth Rottenberg.
    The Sarah Kofman Reader is a comprehensive anthology of significant essays and book excerpts by the postwar French philosopher and theorist Sarah Kofman (1934-1994).
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  9. The Normative Limits to the Dispersal of Territorial Sovereignty.Daniel Kofman - 2007 - The Monist 90 (1):65-85.
    Pogge, O'Neill, Elkins, and others propose the "dispersal" or "unbundling" of state sovereignty, allegedly to disincentivize war, to foster global and regional cooperation on environment, justice, and other issues of naturally supra-state concern, as well as to tailor some functions or jurisdictions to more local, regional, or differently shaped geographical areas. All these proposals are guilty of function-atomism, i.e. they ignore the massive benefits of clustering identically bounded functions or jurisdictions in a single territory. These benefits include the effective enforcement (...)
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  10.  20
    Le respect des femmes: (Kant et Rousseau).Sarah Kofman - 1982 - Éditions Galilée.
    Morale et mysogynie. L'auteur démontre que la subjectivité masculine s'active à l'intérieur du discours prétendument universel des philosophes (Kant et Rousseau), spécialement lorsqu'ils traitent de la problématique des sexes qui traverse toute culture.
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    The Childhood of Art.Sarah Kofman - 1988 - Columbia University Press.
    More than a record of dramatic incidents and daring personalities, this book adds significantly to our understanding of how the United States fought World War II. It demonstrates that the extent, and limitations, of secret intelligence ...
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  12. Aberrations: le devenir-femme d'Auguste Comte.Sarah Kofman - 1978 - [Paris]: Flammarion.
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  13. Explosion I: De l"Ecce Homo' de Nietzsche.Sarah Kofman - 1994 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 7:151-154.
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    Los valores que nos dejaron las teologías políticas.Fernando Kofman - 2013 - Buenos Aires: Ediciones La Carta de Oliver.
  15.  45
    Nietzsche's Socrates: "Who" is Socrates?Sarah Kofman & Madeleine Dobie - 1991 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 15 (2):7-29.
  16. The work of art and fantasy.Sarah Kofman - 2010 - In Christopher Want (ed.), Philosophers on Art From Kant to the Postmodernists: A Critical Reader. Columbia University Press.
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    Writing without Power.Sarah Kofman - 1995 - Women’s Philosophy Review 13:5-8.
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    The Medieval Latin Interpretation of Daniel.M. A. Zier - 1991 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 58:43-78.
  19.  96
    La justification des droits juridictionnels.Daniel Kofman - 2012 - Philosophiques 39 (2):379-392.
    Daniel Kofman | : La littérature philosophique récente concernant les droits juridictionnels suppose qu’on puisse les justifier par une « théorie des droits territoriaux », sans faire appel à une théorie de l’autodétermination. Or les principes d’autodétermination des peuples devraient déterminer les principes des frontières juridictionnelles, et non le contraire. Les « droits territoriaux » sont essentiellement des droits de gouvernance, lesquels découlent eux-mêmes des principes d’autodétermination. Pour défendre ces thèses, je critique les arguments de Brilmayer, Simmons, et Stilz. (...)
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  20.  13
    Lectures de Derrida.Sarah Kofman - 1984
  21.  79
    Nietzsche and Metaphor.Sarah Kofman - 1993 - Stanford University Press.
    This book shows how such an approach fails to interrogate the precise terms, such as "Nature" or "life", that Nietzsche used in place of "being," and to ask the meaning of this substitution.
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  22.  12
    Socrates: Fictions of a Philosopher.Sarah Kofman - 1998 - Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
    Socrates is an flusive figure, Sarah Kofman asserts, and he is necessarily so since he did not write or directly state his beliefs. Kofman suggests that Socrates' avowal of ignorance was meant to be ironic. Later philosophers who interpreted his text invariably resisted the profoundly ironic character of his way of life and diverged widely in their interpretations of him. Kofman focuses especially on the views of Plato, Hegel, Kierkegaard, and Nietzsche.
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    Le mépris des juifs: Nietzsche, les juifs, l'antisémitisme.Sarah Kofman - 1994
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  24. Autobiogriffures.Sarah Kofman - 1977 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 167 (1):111-111.
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    Comment s'en sortir?Sarah Kofman - 1983 - Editions Galilée.
    La 4ème de couverture indique : « Peut-on se sortir de ce que Platon appelle une aporie? de cette situation intenable, cauchemardesque où, comme tombé dans les profondeurs d’un puits, vous êtes soudainement désorienté, dépourvu de toute ressource? où vous êtes piégé, encerclé, paralysé, prisonnier dans les ténèbres sans issue des liens inextricables de la mort? Peut-on sortir d’une situation infernale? Trouver un poros, c’est-à-dire inventer un stratagème, pour faire cesser la détresse, tracer un chemin qui mène de l’obscurité à (...)
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  26. Filosofia Terminada, Filosofia Interminável.Sarah Kofman - 2006 - Ethic@ 13 (1):137-159.
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    L'imposture de la beauté: et autres textes.Sarah Kofman - 1995 - Editions Galilée.
    La 4ème de couverture indique : « Le portrait de Dorian Gray, exhibé dès les premières pages du livre de Wilde auquel il donne son titre, fascine d’emblée le lecteur. La lecture proposée ici souligne que ce portrait, pour ainsi dire jeté en pâture, sert d’écran ou de paravent à un autre portrait encore plus séducteur et inquiétant, en général moins remarqué, celui de la mère morte, représentée en bacchante, qui le hante secrètement. Outre L’imposture de la beauté, ce recueil (...)
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    L'Enfance de l'art: une interprétation de l'esthétique freudienne.Sarah Kofman - 1975 - Paris: Payot.
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    (1 other version)Nietzsche et la métaphore.Sarah Kofman - 1972 - Paris,: Payot.
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    Séductions: de Sartre à Héraclite.Sarah Kofman - 1990
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  31. Tomb for a proper name.Sarah Kofman - 1986 - Substance 49:9-10.
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    The Narcissistic Woman: Freud and Girard.Sarah Kofman - 1980 - Diacritics 10 (3):36.
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    Scoring the Ethics of AI Robo-Advice: Why We Need Gateways and Ratings.Paul Kofman - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-13.
    Unlike the many services already transformed by artificial intelligence (_AI_), the financial advice sector remains committed to a human interface. That is surprising as an AI-powered financial advisor (a _robo-advisor_) can offer personalised financial advice at much lower cost than traditional human advice. This is particularly important for those who need but cannot afford or access traditional financial advice. Robo-advice is easily accessible, available on-demand, and pools all relevant information in finding and implementing an optimal financial plan. In a perfectly (...)
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    Global and Statist Egalitarianism and Their Woes.Daniel Kofman - 2010 - In Gabriele de Angelis & Diogo P. Aurelio (eds.), Sovereign Justice: Global Justice in a World of Nations. New York: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 87-106.
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  35. Il y a quelqu'un qui manque ici.Sarah Kofman - 1984 - The Temps de la Réflexion 5:431.
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  36. L'énigme de la femme. La femme dans les textes de Freud.Sarah Kofman - 1982 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 172 (1):91-91.
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    Rousseau's Phallocratic Ends.Sarah Kofman & Mara Dukats - 1988 - Hypatia 3 (3):123-136.
    Kofman traces Rousseau's argument that women's role as mothers requires the subordination of women to men, and the companion argument that women's lust is a threat to the social order, which also justifies the confinement of women within the home. She then relates the claim that women so confined exert a power of their own to Rousseau's erotic obsession with dominant, but maternal, women. Thus, the “Nature” to which Rousseau appeals is seen to be both a reflection of his (...)
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  38.  22
    And Yet It Quakes!Sarah Kofman - 2021 - Paragraph 44 (1):117-137.
    One of a handful of texts written by Sarah Kofman in the interim between the publication of her Explosion, a 700-page analysis of Ecce Homo, and her sudden death in 1994, ‘And Yet It Q...
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  39. (1 other version)Explosion I: De l'"Ecce Homo" de Niertzsche.Sarah Kofman - 1994 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 8:129-134.
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  40. L'Enfance de l'art.Sarah Kofman - 1970 - Paris,: Payot.
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  41. How Insensitive: Principles, Facts and Normative Grounds in Cohen’s Critique of Rawls.Daniel Kofman - 2012 - Socialist Studies 8 (1):246-268.
    Cohen’s hostility to Rawls’ justification of the Difference Principle by social facts spawned Cohen’s general thesis that ultimate principles of justice and morality are fact-insensitive, but explain how any fact-sensitive principle is grounded in facts. The problem with this thesis, however, is that when facts F ground principle P, reformulating this relation as the "fact-insensitive" conditional “If F, then P” is trivial and thus explanatorily impotent. Explanatory, hence justificatory, force derives either from subsumption under more general principles, or precisely exhibiting (...)
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  42. Secession, law, and rights: The case of the former Yugoslavia.Daniel Kofman - 2000 - Human Rights Review 1 (2):9-26.
    A common theme from certain circles during the Yugoslav wars was that the seceding republics lacked a right to secede, but that if a right were accorded them by the EC or international community, it would have to be granted to the Serbian minorities in these republics, especially in Bosnia and Herzegovina, on pain of inconsistency. This microcosm argument is in fact unsound. On a reasonable conception of a right of self-determination and secession elaborated here, the Republic of Bosnia and (...)
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    Enhanced performance on executive functions associated with examination stress: Evidence from task-switching and Stroop paradigms.Ora Kofman, Nachshon Meiran, Efrat Greenberg, Meirav Balas & Hagit Cohen - 2006 - Cognition and Emotion 20 (5):577-595.
    Stressful life situations can impair or facilitate various cognitive functions. In the present study, the effect of examination stress on students was examined using two executive function tasks, task-switching and the Stroop task, in a between-subject crossover design. Students showed increased anxiety in the 2 week period prior to exams compared to the beginning of the semester, manifested as higher scores on the Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Scale and a shift to more sympathetic activation when heart rate variability was assessed. During (...)
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    The Economy of Respect: Kant and Respect for Women.Sarah Kofman - 1982 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 49.
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  45. Socrates and his Twins (The Socrates(es) of Plato's 'Symposium').Sarah Kofman - 2002 - In Genevieve Lloyd (ed.), Feminism and history of philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Mélancolie de l'art.Sarah Kofman - 1985 - Editions Galilée.
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    No Longer Full-Fledged Autobiogriffies.Sarah Kofman - 1980 - Substance 9 (4):3.
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    Nietzsche and the Obscurity of Heraclitus.Sarah Kofman - 1987 - Diacritics 17 (3):39-55.
  49. Civil Liberties in a Lockdown: The Case of COVID-19.Samuel Director & Christopher Freiman - 2023 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 1 (6):1-24.
    In response to the spread of COVID-19, governments across the world have, with very few exceptions, enacted sweeping restrictive lockdown policies that impede citizens’ freedom to move, work, and assemble. This paper critically responds to the central arguments for restrictive lockdown legislation. We build our critique on the following assumption: public policy that enjoys virtually unanimous support worldwide should be justified by uncontroversial moral principles. We argue that that the virtually unanimous support in favor of restrictive lockdowns is not adequately (...)
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  50. The inhumanity of cards against humanity.Samuel Director - 2018 - Think 17 (48):39-50.
    In general, it is morally wrong to joke about the suffering of a category of people while in front of a person who fits into this category. I argue that, when people play the game Cards Against Humanity, it is likely that they do this very action. Thus, I conclude that it is morally wrong to play Cards Against Humanity.
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